As you are aware, the cryptocurrency market is quite volatile. For this reason, although searching for long-term trends may be the most stable strategy, it is often not the most profitable one. Most active traders speculate on Bitcoin day trading. What is day trading? How to use small time frames correctly? How to prevent draining deposits in one day and what cryptocurrency day trading strategies are most relevant for intraday analytics?

The volatility of cryptocurrencies is a tool, on the basis of which, trading strategies and methods of trading in the market are built. Let’s take a look at the main reasons for cryptocurrencies’ price changes.

A complete guide for analysing the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies using support and resistance levels. Find out how to identify levels and analyse further price movements.

With cryptocurrencies being popular, an increasing number of people have become interested in crypto trading. Since newbies lack the requisite experience and investment flair, many users lose money.

Would you like to learn how to save up to 100% on trading commission on EXMO? Let us show how to get the maximum return via cashback.