Great news for our valued EXMers! We are thrilled to introduce a more user-friendly method to verify your bank card on our platform. Say goodbye to the hassle of submitting photos – our new process is as easy as it gets!

The verification process on EXMO may seem complicated, but if you just follow some simple steps, the process is extremely straightforward and easy. This article will walk you through the basic verification steps required to start trading on the EXMO platform.

What was done for the exchange in January, you will learn from this article. Updates affected the user interface, the currencies, and the version for Android.

EXMO, major сryptocurrency exchange for traders, announced a partnership with Sumsub, experts in identity verification and compliance, to enhance digital identity verification and customer onboarding for their clients.

Starting from January 10, 2020, the Fifth Anti Money Laundering Directive (5AMLD) takes effect. The Directive contains requirements for the mandatory verification for all cryptocurrency platforms clients following the KYC and AML standards, all users who make cryptocurrency transactions must pass verification.