Great news for our valued EXMers! We are thrilled to introduce a more user-friendly method to verify your bank card on our platform. Say goodbye to the hassle of submitting photos – our new process is as easy as it gets!

Crypto scams are on the rise, with fraudsters becoming bolder in a bid to steal your hard-earned money. Don’t fall for their tricks! Read this article to learn more about popular types of crypto scams and how to stay safe.

News of the FTX bankruptcy and the troubles of other major companies have rocked the crypto market, leaving many traders worried about their holdings. On our exchange, the safety of your funds is always a priority. Find out how safety is guaranteed on EXMO.com.

This week, we discovered that hackers leaked data related to our traders on the darknet. In just 15 minutes, we restricted access to the accounts to prevent theft of funds from wallets. Find out how the EXMO.com team ensured the safety of assets while increasing the digital literacy of their owners.

Cryptocurrencies give you power over money. However, with power comes responsibility for keeping your assets safe. In this article, we will walk you through useful security tips that will enhance your digital security.

EXMO has struck a partnership with Ledger Vault, a world-recognised leader in cryptocurrency wallet management solutions.

Enabling of deposits and withdrawals for main cryptocurrencies is tentatively scheduled for 25th-26th December 2020. For crypto withdrawals, you will need to generate a new wallet address. Please note that deposits to old wallet addresses will not be credited!
While we are investigating the current situation, we ask you not to make deposits with cryptocurrencies to existing wallets. We are planning on enabling deposits and withdrawals on Thursday, December 24th, 2020.

Email phishing cases have become more frequent recently. We ask you to be careful and not follow any suspicious links.

Google Authenticator is an app for generating one-time authentication (TOTP) codes. The application is supported by Android phones, iPhone and BlackBerry, and can also work without an Internet connection.

Our key responsibility is to protect the safety of our clients assets. Nevertheless, according to the statistics, most of the frauds and hacking happen because of the lack of users’ security. So, the EXMO Team has created a video, where we explain how to enable the two-factor authentication (2FA) on EXMO.

Learn how to protect your newly bought cryptocurrencies on EXMO!