
New wallet addresses for ETH and ERC-20 tokens
Within a week, we will launch an update to optimise the platform and enhance its security. As a result, wallet addresses for depositing Ethereum (ETH) and ERC-20 tokens will change.

ERC-20 deposits and withdrawals available again
ERC-20 tokens are now available for deposits and withdrawals.

EXMO supports Ethereum’s PoW fork
EXMO supports Ethereum’s Proof of Work fork that took place on 15th September 2022 on the 15,537,393rd block.

ETH deposits and withdrawals are available again
Ether cryptocurrency is now available for deposits and withdrawals.

Technical maintenance on 13th September
Tomorrow at 20:00 UTC scheduled technical maintenance will be performed on EXMO. The website, mobile app and API will be unavailable for 2-4 hours.

Ethereum’s transition to PoS: ETH deposits and withdrawals temporarily unavailable
EXMO supports Ethereum’s Merge which will take place as part of the blockchain’s transition to the Proof of Stake protocol.

Ethereum’s Merge upgrade: ETH deposits and withdrawals temporarily unavailable
EXMO supports Ethereum’s upcoming updates which will take place as part of the blockchain’s transition to the Proof of Stake protocol.

Technical maintenance on 17th August
Due to unscheduled technical maintenance on EXMO, crypto withdrawals are temporarily unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Technical maintenance completed
Technical maintenance has been successfully completed. The website, mobile app and API are available again.

Technical maintenance on 11th August
Due to unscheduled technical maintenance on EXMO, the website, mobile app and API are temporarily unavailable.

Technical maintenance on 10th August
Due to unscheduled technical maintenance on EXMO, crypto withdrawals are temporarily unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Top up your balance in PLN with a reduced fee
Deposit Polish zloty (PLN) with reduced fees and buy any crypto you like in just a few clicks.

EXMO’s rebranding overhaul: main updates
We have changed the logo, brand colours and design to make them better reflect EXMO’s identity. Check out our new style and see how crypto becomes uncreepy!

Instant USD and EUR withdrawal via Visa/Mastercard are available
Fast and convenient card withdrawals allow you to instantly withdraw USD and EUR from your wallets directly to your Visa and Mastercard credit and debit cards.

Technical maintenance on 6th July
Scheduled technical maintenance will be performed on EXMO on 6th July 2022 at 20:00 UTC. The website, mobile app and API will be unavailable for about 2-4 hours.

Ethereum’s network upgrade: ETH deposits and withdrawals temporarily unavailable
EXMO supports Ethereum’s Gray Glacier network upgrade scheduled for 29th June 2022.

Our partner bank will be closed on 24th June 2022
All SEPA and WIRE transactions will be processed on the following business day, 26th June 2022.

XLM deposits and withdrawals are available again
Stellar Lumens (XLM) is now available for deposits and withdrawals.

Stellar Lumens’ network upgrade: XLM deposits and withdrawals temporarily unavailable
EXMO supports Stellar Lumens’ network upgrade scheduled for 8th June 2022.

Technical maintenance on 24th May
Scheduled technical maintenance will be performed on EXMO on 24th May 2022 at 20:00 UTC. The website, mobile app and API will be unavailable for about 2-4 hours.