
Visa/MasterCard and Payeer Commission Changes
Attention! Commission fees for depositing and withdrawing funds via Payeer and Visa/MasterCard payments systems have been updated. Find out more about the new tariffs!

The Planned EXMO Technical Update on October 15
Attention! On October 15th, 2020, at 20:00 UTC the planned maintenance will take place on EXMO. The exchange and API will be unavailable for approximately 3-4 hours.

New Commission Changes on EXMO
Please note that the commission fees for AdvCash, Visa/MasterCard, and Payeer payment systems have changed. Learn the updated tariffs.

Commission Changes on EXMO
Attention! Commission fees for AdvCash deposits and withdrawals have been updated. Find out more about the new tariffs!

Commission Changes for RUB Withdrawals and Deposits
Attention! Commission fees for depositing and withdrawing RUB on the EXMO exchange have been updated. Find out more about the new tariffs!

Withdrawal Commissions for ETH-Tokens have decreased!
Attention! Commissions for ETH withdrawals on the EXMO exchange have been reduced again! Learn about new tariffs!

Information on New Commission Changes
Another commissions update by EXMO Tariff Policy Regulation Department. This time, the changes affected the Visa/Mastercard, AdvCash and Payeer payment systems.

Commissions for the Withdrawal of ETH Tokens Increased Again
Today, the ETH network experience excessive load again. We recommend postponing ETH token withdrawals at present.

Commission Fee is Reduced
We are glad to announce that we’ve managed to reduce the fees for the ERC-20 tokens withdrawals.

Information on Commission Changes
Another commissions update by EXMO Tariff Policy Regulation Department. This time, the changes affected the Visa/Mastercard and Payeer payment systems.

New Analytics Tool on EXMO: Portfolio’s All-Time PnL
EXMO announces a new analytical tool – the all-time PnL of the portfolio and its assets. Analyze and improve the efficiency of your trading decisions using the Analytics block on EXMO.

Withdrawal Commissions Update on EXMO
As a result of the ETH network suffering from excessive load, the withdrawal fees for ETH tokens may rise up to USD $30. If possible, we recommend postponing ETH token withdrawals at present.

New Analytics Section on EXMO: Unrealized All Time PnL
As promised, we continue to improve the analytics block on EXMO so that you are able to analyze your trading decisions and check how effective they are. Today, we have introduced a new section: Analytics of Unrealized PnL of your portfolio and your assets.

Commissions Update on EXMO
EXMO Tariff Policy Regulation Department keeps on refining tariffs. The latest update has affected Yandex Money, Qiwi and AdvCash payment systems.

Cardano (ADA) Transactions Recovery
Deposits and withdrawals function in the usual mode.

TradingView is now available on EXMO
EXMO announces the TradingView integration. Now a wide range of tools for technical analysis of cryptocurrencies is available for the exchange clients.

Upcoming Cardano (ADA) Shelley Upgrade is On the Way
Please, take this circumstance into account when performing trading operations on the platform, and leave sufficient time to process deposits.

Third Quarterly EXM Burning: Completed
On July 2, 2020, we burned 2,092,034.65 EXM.

Wallet 2.0: Everything About Your Funds
EXMO is implementing the global redesign strategy of the exchange. We changed the verification module first, and now it’s the Wallet’s turn.

Zero Commission In GBP Pairs
To make trading on EXMO even more profitable, we have prepared a unique offer: now the commission for Crypto/GBP pairs is also 0%.