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EXMO Save Ukraine donated ambulances and fire engines to Ukraine

The EXMO Save Ukraine relief project bought six ambulances and one fire engine for a total sum of $220,000 to help Ukrainian cities affected by war.

The vehicles were purchased in partnership with the Dutch aid group, Zeilen van Vrijheid (“Sails of Freedom”). EXMO Save Ukraine financed the purchase and the assembly of the vehicles, as well as their delivery to Ukraine.

Six ambulances for five Ukrainian cities

The ambulances were additionally packed with medical supplies, gurneys, wheelchairs, drips and other important first aid items. Though loaded to the limit, they arrived in Ukraine swiftly and safely.

Ambulances were transported to five Ukrainian cities and distributed to specific medical institutions:

  • Irpin โ€“ One vehicle was handed over to the Irpin city hospital.
  • Kharkiv โ€“ Two vehicles were delivered to the Kharkiv Center of Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine.
  • Chernihiv, Kyiv and Severodonetsk โ€“ One vehicle was sent to the medical units of each city.

“Kobzar” is in the service of the SES of Ukraine

Before purchasing a fire truck, we carried out thorough consultations with various experts of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES). It was vital to make sure the truck would operate to its full potential in Ukraine.

The vehicle we eventually chose received the highest rating from Ukrainian experts since it meets the city’s needs in terms of size, maneuverability, water supply and even the number of hoses. In addition, the fire engine underwent a thorough inspection and was equipped with everything necessary for carrying out rescue operations. In particular, one of the fire departments in the Netherlands presented our firefighters with high-quality overalls.

The vehicle was nicknamed “Kobzar”. It features a portrait of Taras Shevchenko and an excerpt from his poem “The fire does not burn the fierce ones”.

In April, the fire truck was delivered to Severodonetsk, but currently, it is stationed in Dnipro and is registered within the State Emergency Service of Luhansk Region.

Delivery to Ukraine

Before delivery, it was important to prevent all possible risks of vehicle breakdowns. The ambulances had to be running and in good condition to reliably serve their purpose. To that end, each vehicle was carefully inspected before purchase. Then, our volunteers transported them from the Netherlands to Ukraine, having traveled more than 2,500 km.

From idea to implementation

It took the EXMO Save Ukraine relief project less than a month to successfully complete the procurement project. The ambulances crossed the border into Ukraine in March 2022, while a fire brigade reached the destination in April 2022.

This became possible thanks to the cooperation with Zeilen Van Vrijheid, as well as the dedicated work of the entire EXMO Save Ukraine team. The fund financed the project in the shortest possible time, while the Dutch aid group found all the necessary vehicles and equipment on time. The entire team worked 24/7 to complete the project because every minute, hour, and day of delay cost the lives of Ukrainian civilians.

About Zeilen Van Vrijheid

Zeilen van Vrijheid is a Dutch non-profit organisation founded by a group of volunteers who help purchase and deliver medical and other specialised cars to Ukraine, while also providing medical and humanitarian help to war victims. During four months of work, they managed to deliver 88 ambulances, 1 fire engine, 1 medical bus, 30 evacuation vehicles and 220 tons of medical supplies to Ukraine.

“I am incredibly grateful for the dedication of our Dutch colleagues. Special thanks to the fund’s founder, Niko Mutsei. She has the superpower to combine extensive volunteering activity, her own job and care for her children and family… Thank you for such strong support of Ukraine; it is priceless for us,” commented Taras Lomakin, the project manager of EXMO Save Ukraine.

Follow the link to learn more about the initiatives of the Dutch fund. If you or your company is looking to contribute and help an important project by donating, feel free to contact the fund’s team at: [email protected].

About EXMO Save Ukraine

EXMO Save Ukraine is a relief project founded by the EXMO cryptocurrency exchange team. The project’s team raises funds to provide humanitarian aid to civilians affected by the war in Ukraine. By now, EXMO Save Ukraine has raised a total of $2,000,000, of which $1,000,000 is EXMO’s own donation, while the remaining sum of $1,038,872 was donated by the exchange’s partners and users.

We focus on the provision of medicines, purchase of goods, prompt delivery of food and basic necessities, making arrangements for logistics, food and accommodation for migrants, as well as short-term financial assistance to those affected by military hostilities. Every month we process between 150 and 300 applications from various volunteer organisations and war victims. As of 01st July 2022, the amount of assistance provided by EXMO Save Ukraine exceeds $1,300,000. Follow our official website to make a crypto donation or contact us directly.