You can now trade BERA in Simple & Advanced Trades and EXMO Margin paired with USDT.
Our advanced savings program keeps accumulating assets. More than 10 thousand contracts are now active, and over $800 thousand have already been paid out!
Open an Earn contract from February 3 to 13 and win a Dyson Airwrap, Apple iPad, AirPods Pro or USDT prizes.
We’re excited to announce the listing of URO, RIF and GRIFFAIN tokens on!
Due to technical issues with ENJ deposits and withdrawals, we are proceeding with its delisting.
We’re excited to announce the listing of three innovative tokens — BIO, TRAC and ALCH! Starting January 30, 2025, you can trade these tokens in pairs with USDC.
Starting January 27, trade EXM only in USDT & USDC pairs. Other pairs will be removed.
The token is now listed on in Simple and Advanced trades with a USDT pair!
The crypto world is buzzing, and we’re thrilled to announce the immediate listing of the OFFICIAL TRUMP token on!
On Monday at 23:00 UTC, we will carry out scheduled technical maintenance on