How to Exchange (USDT) to (USD)


What is the exchange rate of USDT to USD for today?

The Bitcoin to US Dollar exchange rate today is 1.0264

How has the USDT to USD exchange rate changed during the last 24 hours?

The USDT/USD exchange rate has changed by 0%

How to Buy the USDT or any other cryptocurrency?

The easiest way to buy crypto on EXMO is the “Quick Exchange” option. Just select the desired currency in the “I give” field and indicate the     amount and currency which you want to receive.

How to create the Cryptocurrency Wallet on EXMO?

In order to generate a personal wallet address: 

  • Register on EXMO;
  • Click on the “Deposit” button opposite to the selected cryptocurrency, and then “Create An Address”; 
  • Now you can send money to the generated address, or just copy the address link and send it to the user from who you are waiting for the funds from.